About Us / Our environmental policy
Rainbow Red is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and saving our planet, so has a strict environmental policy.
- Printing is kept to a minimum and when necessary all documents are printed double-sided on recycled paper.
- All print cartridges, waste paper/cardboard and plastics are recycled whenever possible
- Vehicle travel is kept to a minimum – for example, visits to charity shops and the tip are done only when there is a full load, and meetings where it’s not-essential that they be held face-to-face in person are either done via Skype or by phone.
- Meeting notes are taken directly onto a computer wherever possible, rather than use unnecessary paper
- Our office equipment is turned off at night
- We are working towards replacing our computer monitors with LED screens.
- Where clients have too many plastic shopping bags, they are used to transport or dispose of clutter, and then re-used wherever possible. Otherwise, re-usable crates, sacks and bags are used.
- Local suppliers and organic cleaning materials are used whenever possible.