What’s the process?
If - following an initial email or phone conversation - you decide that you'd like to meet us, we will usually send you two documents for you to complete:
- a copy of our Registration Form - to help you focus on what your requirements are for your project; we'll go through this with you at our first visit, so that we can develop a plan of action going forward.
- two copies of our Terms and Conditions document (one for you to keep, and one to return to us), which outlines things like hours of work, travel and cancellation arrangements, and payment terms.
- Please note, we cannot start work without it being signed by you, otherwise our insurance is null and void
We like to visit clients at their home for a first consultation assessment, to discuss the completed Registration Form and the project they have in mind. The first hour is FREE.
Following the initial consultation, we can then either:
- Get to work straight away if you are keen to get things moving as soon as possible.
- Work together to devise an Action Plan, which will enable us to estimate costs* and timings* for the work you would like us to undertake, based on:
- The types of problems you want to address**
- The general complexity and amount of work which may be involved, plus associated issues, risks and contingencies
- Dependencies and constraints
- How much we are likely to be able to help you
- Which of our services might be most appropriate to suit your needs - it is likely that a combination of our services will be required
It may be necessary for us to bring with us experts from external firms for any work that we are unable to carry out (property maintenance, etc). We support local businesses whenever possible, and check each of our suppliers personally.
- If you are a local business and you would like to work with Rainbow Red - or know of a company we should avoid using - do please contact us.
*Issues and Risks can occur during the project; these will be managed as part of ongoing project management activities, and may incur extra costs. We will keep you informed at all times should issues arise, and will not proceed with anything which could incur additional costs without your approval.
**In order for us to achieve your goals, it is vital that we have your complete commitment to helping us to succeed; without your full support, we can't hope to accomplish your objectives within the deadlines you have in mind.
Please note, some project activities may take longer than you might expect or hope for, and depend on key factors such as:
- How early planning begins - the earlier planning starts, the greater the likelihood of achieving the success you are looking for
- Your energy levels - we'll try to work at times when you feel most energised.
- How closely clients are prepared to co-operate with us - without your full support, we will be less able to achieve the results you desire, or deliver on time or on budget.
Please remember to sign and return a copy of the Terms & Conditions (contract) provided (which means you have agreed to abide by our Terms and Conditions), so that we can commence work.
Payment terms are outlined in our Terms & Conditions document.